Discussion Board Initial Post- Chris Mason

Discussion Board Initial Post- Chris Mason

Postby masonchris142 » Thu Feb 10, 2022 11:57 am

There are so many attributes of Jesus that I need to exemplify as a Christian. Since I have to pick two I would have to say obedience and his focus on the kingdom. He was a perfect example of obedience and there's no way I could ever match it. But there are things in our walk with Him that He will ask us to do and to us it's impossible or just plainly we don't want to do it. And with me, without getting into and personal details there have definitely been a few times where I just said no to God. I have no idea the repercussions of my decisions then but who knows what God could have done if I had said yes in that moment. It wasn't Jesus' will to die on the cross but He said "Lord your will be done" and we all know what happened next. Secondly I'm trying to be more kingdom focused. "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God." - Colossians 3:2-3. Christ was so in tune with His Father that he could see Him in every circumstance. Jesus' knew the calling on His life and in every moment He was focused on that mission. He was the living word! I could never even come close to that but it's very important to be mission/kingdom focused in ministry because if you lose sight of that your could fall into worldly things and lose what God is trying to do among other things.
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