Initial Post - Steve Nanney

Initial Post - Steve Nanney

Postby nanney0612 » Wed Apr 29, 2020 1:03 pm

I just finished reading the book “Rethinking the Church” and I enjoyed this book very much. It causes the reader to think and to evaluate the why behind the what of the church. As a person that’s grown up and spent my entire life in church it is easy for me to see how the church has gotten covered up in traditionalism. As a church planter, the smoke is cost me to make sure people understand the vision and mission of the church. People can get lost in policy and preference very quickly. The church must always be about the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. I will seriously consider this book as a part of leadership development in my church. We need a fresh revelation in our churches for who we are trying to reach and the message we are using to reach them.
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